The "Maya - English - Spanish Vocabulary" published by the Maya World Studies Center, is a trilingual vocabulary and not a dictionary. The book's objective is to facilitate the knowledge of equivalent words in three languages and is useful to tourists, merchants, students and scholars that require this information.

Maya-English-Spanish Vocabulary


Those who have lived in and through the Yucatán Peninsula recognize how valuable is working knowledge of the Maya language. Nevertheless, to assimilate an indigenous language, the structure of which is so different from Spanish or English, is a daunting task and one which regrettably few have attempted.

We are fortunate that Paulino Romero Conde, one of Yucatan's most distinguished Maya scholars, has made a major effort to bridge this gap in communications. Using his own profound knowledge of the Maya language, as well as his command of Spanish and English, he has drawn on the recognized Mayan Dictionaries to select 5,300 most useful words in Maya with their most common meaning in English and Spanish. To facilitate rapid consultation, the words are indexed alphabetically in each of the languages.

As Ing. Romero Conde explains in his preface, this book is not a dictionary. It is a handy quick reference point for anyone wishing to know the Maya equivalent of a word in English or Spanish.

Most anthropologists are in agreement that to save a native culture, the mother language must be actively preserved and used in everyday life. Ing. Romero Conde and the Centro de Estudios del Mundo Maya have done a great service to the Maya culture by compiling this vocabulary and helping keep Mayan a living language. .

Joan Andrews.

In order to easily make use of this book it is divided in three chapters in which the words of each language are classified in alphabetical order. The first chapter corresponds to the order English-Maya-Spanish, the second is ordered Maya-English-Spanish and the third is Spanish-Maya-English. Therefore it is possible to find the equivalent word starting from a word in any of the three languages.

This book was made using the Cordemex, the Calepino de Motul and the Solís Alcalá dictionaries for the Mayan language; the New College Spanish and English Dictionary for the English terms and the Espasa Calpe Encyclopedia for the Spanish words.

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The "Maya - English - Spanish Vocabulary" is produced by the Maya World Studies Center and sent to our contributors worldwide from our headquarters in Mérida, Yucatán, México.

Centro de Estudios del Mundo Maya
C. 53 # 319 x 42 y 44    V. la Hda.
Mérida, Yucatán, México 97119
Maya World Studies Center

© Centro de Estudios del Mundo Maya - YUCATAN, MEXICO. 1996-2003
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